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licensing & disclosures


877-314-1499 | NMLS ID 39179

For a list of all licenses managed by the Nationwide Multistate Licensing System & Registry, visit Below is a list of other state licenses held by Caliber Home Loans, Inc.

StateLicense Held

AlabamaManufactured Dealer

AlaskaCollection Agency

ArizonaSales Finance

ArkansasCollection Agency

ColoradoManufactured Retailer Registration
Supervised Lender
Sales Finance Notification

DelawareMotor Vehicle Sales Finance

FloridaConsumer Collection Agency

HawaiiCollection Agency

IllinoisSales Finance Agency
Consumer Installment Loan Registration

KansasUCCC Credit Notification Registrant

LouisianaNotification Filer
Motor Vehicle Sales Finance

MissouriConsumer Credit Loan Company
Motor Vehicle Time Sales Finance

NevadaForeign Collection Agency

New JerseyConsumer Loan
Sales Finance Company

New MexicoCollection Agency

New YorkCity of Buffalo Collection Agency
City of New York Collection Agency

OklahomaSupervised Lender
Annual Notification Filing

PennsylvaniaCollector Repossessor
Sales Finance Company

South CarolinaSupervised Lender

South DakotaMoney Lender

TexasRegulated Lender
Third Party Debt Collector

UtahCollection Agency Foreign
Consumer Credit Notification

WashingtonCollection Agency Business

West VirginiaBusiness Registration Cert. for Collection Agency

WisconsinSales Finance Company

WyomingSupervised Lender Creditor's Notification Return


Other Important Disclosures

Caliber Home Loans, Inc. is an Equal Housing Lender.

You may access our Privacy Policy at the following link:

Pursuant to the requirements of the Texas Finance Code and Title 7, Chapter 81.200(c) of the Texas Administrative Code, you are hereby notified of the following:


Texas Mortgage Banker Disclosure

Mortgage Banker: Caliber Home Loans, Inc
NMLS ID: 15622

Consumers wishing to file a complaint against a mortgage banker or a licensed mortgage banker residential mortgage loan originator should complete, sign and send a complaint form to the Texas Department of Savings and Mortgage Lending, 2601 North Lamar, Suite 201, Austin, Texas 78705. Complaint forms and instructions may be downloaded and printed from the department’s website at A toll-free consumer hotline is available at 1- 877-276-5550.

The department maintains a recovery fund to make payments of certain actual out of pocket damages sustained by borrowers caused by acts of licensed mortgage banker residential mortgage loan originators. A written application for reimbursement from the recovery fund must be filed with and investigated by the department prior to the payment of a claim. For more information about the recovery fund, please consult the department’s web site at

The following states require disclosure of the information below. If a state is not listed, it doesn’t require a specific disclosure.


AlaskaMortgage Lender License No. AK 15622

ArizonaArizona Mortgage Banker License No. 0923637

CaliforniaLicensed by The Department of Business Oversight under the California Residential Mortgage Lending Act and Finance Lenders Law

ColoradoMortgage Company Registration Regulated by the Division of Real Estate

DelawareLicensed by the Delaware State Bank Commissioner, License 5202 expires 12/31

GeorgiaResidential Mortgage Lender Licensee No. 7330

IllinoisIllinois Residential Mortgage Licensee No. MB.0004043, by the Division of Banking 320 West Washington St., Springfield, IL 62786, (888) 473-4858

KansasLicensed Mortgage Company, License Number SL.0000796

MassachusettsMA Mortgage Broker and Lender License # MC15622

MinnesotaMN-MO-40149066, This is not an offer to enter into an agreement. Any such offer may only be made in accordance with the requirements of Minn. Stat. Section 47.206 (3) and (4)

MississippiLicensed by the Mississippi Department of Banking and Consumer Finance

MontanaLender License No. 15622

New HampshireLicensed by the New Hampshire Banking Department

Nevada3753 Howard Hughes Parkway, Sute 257, Las Vegas, NV 89169, (702) 784-5975

New JerseyLicensed by the N.J. Department of Banking and Insurance, Licensed Mortgage Banker

New YorkLicensed Mortgage Banker- NYS Department of Financial Services


OregonMortgage Lender License ML-324

Rhode IslandLicensed Lender

VirginiaNMLS ID #15622 (

WashingtonConsumer Loan Company License No. CL-15622

Other ApprovalsVeteran's Affairs
Title I HUD - FHA Certification
Title II HUD - FHA Certification
Ginnie Mae
Fannie Mae
Freddie Mac
United States Department of Agriculture

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